Not the update I wanted

Yes, I swam in a triathlon the weekend before I found out I have a brain tumor. It was terrible, but that’s how I roll 

 I am coming up on three years from my diagnosis and two years from finishing active treatment. All of my PET scans have been good and I’ve been tolerating my maintenance treatment. I was happy to be getting stronger and living life without constantly thinking about cancer. That’s why it was a huge shocker to me and my oncologist that I have a brain tumor large enough that it needs to be removed immediately. 

I started having headaches three to four weeks ago. It seemed like a sinus headache, so that’s what I was treating it like. Taking Sudafed, doing the sinus rinse and finally getting amoxicillin. When none of that helped and I realized this was a headache like no other I’ve ever had, I asked my oncologist to schedule a brain MRI for me. My regular PET scans have all been good, but they only scan from the base of the neck to the knees. This MRI is the first time they have ever looked at my brain. On Tuesday, the MRI showed that I have a 4x2.5 cm tumor in my right cerebellum. The extra pressure from the tumor has been causing my headaches. They actually seem surprised that it hasn’t been causing more problems. I know it’s nothing to be proud of, but I kind of feel tough because of that! I was rushed to the Emergency Department and on to the neurology ICU. They’ve had me on steroids to reduce swelling and have kept me constantly monitored. 

At 7:30 this morning I’ll go into have surgery to remove the tumor. Brain surgery seems really scary and hard and complicated, but I’m not a brain surgeon. They tell me that this is very routine and easy for them. The tumor is in the back of my head and it’s one solid mass which makes it easier for them to remove. I’ll have one incision up the back of my head and they will leave a tube for drainage when they are done. I will stay in the ICU until the drainage comes out which will be a few days depending on how I recover. 

The tumor will be biopsied, and I will hopefully get results next week. Then my oncology team will know what to do from there. It will probably mean radiation to the tumor site to kill off anything that is left behind. My maintenance drugs will be changed to one that accesses my brain better. The drug I’m on now doesn’t get to the brain as well, so it has left me unprotected in that area. 

Prayers needs

For the surgery this morning to go well and recovery to be easy and fast. I will need to take it easy for a few weeks after surgery. 

For my mind and heart. I thought I was done with the worst of this cancer stuff and was starting to move on with life. This has been a huge shock and moved so quickly that I haven’t had time to process it. 

For my family. Steve has been doing a great job taking care of the kids. I know it is string up a lot of questions and emotions for them. Pray that we would know how to answer them honestly. 


That I’m not having more symptoms and distress. 

That I was able to get a scan and the treatment I need quickly

That even though I am surprised by this news, God is not. He has me and my family and our futures. He will be with us the whole way. 


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