The week I had and the week to come

This last week was a roller coaster of emotions and a whirlwind of appointments and scans and pokes. I’m getting very good at driving down to Abbott hospital and navigating the parking and buildings. 

My port placement on Monday went well, but between my anxiety the night before and the discomfort the night after, I was a wreck by Tuesday from lack of sleep. It was surprising to me how low my mood sunk and how devastating my diagnosis felt in that state of exhaustion. Now, I’ve been more intentional about getting good sleep, and the payoff has been incredible. Pray for me that throughout chemo I’ll be able to sleep and get the rest I need. 

I also found out this week that there was something of concern in my blood work. I don’t exactly understand what it was, but it prompted my oncologist to order a PET scan to determine if I have additional tumors in my body. Kind of like a cancer hunt. The results of the PET scan were not terrible, but not great. They found that more lymph nodes have been affected than was originally thought, and that there is a suspicious spot on my sacrum. The oncologist requested a biopsy on my sacrum in addition to the breast biopsy I already had scheduled for Friday. Because the chemo I’ll be receiving tomorrow will start killing and shrinking the cancer in my body (PRAISE THE LORD!!), this week felt like a mad dash to get scans and biopsies and baselines so they know what I have going into chemo. It is scary to know that cancer may have found a home in more places in my body, and it was a rough week with so many appointments and feeling like I’ve been carved up like a piece of meat. In the end, I extremely thankful for the care I’ve gotten from my medical team. The nurses have been so kind and caring, and I appreciate that my oncologist is being extremely thorough in investigating the cancer that is attacking my body. I’m happy to endure the odd scans and many pokes to know exactly what we’re up against and how to treat it. 

Prayers for this coming week are that the two biopsies collected Friday will both be free of cancer. Pray for rest and recovery during chemo. My chemo treatments are in three week cycles. I’m expecting that the first week of each cycle will be the hardest. Pray for wisdom for Steve and me as we figure out what to do with the kids. Their schools announced that we will be doing full distance learning starting after Thanksgiving break. Pray for Steve that he doesn’t burn out while caring for me and the kids and trying to fit in work somehow. 

Huge praises and thanks! I’m so thankful and amazed by all of our friends and family covering us with love and support and prayer. I’m overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness.  I have experienced such joy and peace that I didn’t think was possible when I first got my diagnosis. We are so blessed this year to have my friend Katrina living with us while we go through this crap. She has been incredibly helpful with caring for our kids, driving me to appointments, and helping me process my thoughts and emotions. It’s definitely God’s provision that she is here right now. I’m even slightly thankful for some effects of covid right now. I’m thankful that it means Steve is able to work from home rather than taking a leave of absence to care for me and the kids. And finally, I’m thankful for my cute pixie haircut that I’ll get to sport until my hair all falls out in a months time. 


  1. So proud of you Amanda! Thank you so much for allowing us all to share in your journey and pray with you through it all. So many prayers for you as you start chemo this week. Love you!

  2. I am covering you in protection and hope- in Jesus' powerful name!

  3. Thank you Amanda for sharing your story with us. You have great skill as a writer. You weave the medical details in with the story very well and aren't afraid to share the range of emotions that comes with all of this. I am angry at the way cancer attacks. No one should have to go through what you are experiencing and I always want to scream how unfair it is. But I know that isn't helpful. Strong, steady prayer is effective and I see how your steadfast faith in God is giving you comfort. I pray that God will answer our prayers of bold healing and blissful comfort.


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