How can you help?
We have an awesome army of friends and family supporting us. Everyone keeps asking how they can help us and what we need. Here are my first thoughts of what we need and what you can do to help.
Pray, pray, pray and then pray some more. We have been covered in prayer already, and I know that’s why I’ve been able to experience so much peace and even a little joy in the midst of this diagnosis. I know that God is good, and he loves me immensely. Along with praying for healing, pray that I will remember those two truths about who God is and who I am.
Pray for my kids and this stupid Covid. One of my biggest worries right now is that I will be immunocompromised during treatment which is not a great thing during a pandemic. I’m worried about having to isolate myself and my family to keep me safe. Eva is in kindergarten and Thorsen is in first grade. Their schooling has been hybrid this year, so they get to go into school two to three times a week. It’s been going well, and I’m hoping they will get to continue going to school through the end of the year. We need the break of having from having them at home, and they need the socialization and actual teaching. Eva LOVES kindergarten, and that has been a joy to see this year. Pray that Covid numbers don’t spike in our area so the school can stay open safely.
Flowers. Ok, I’ve heard of a meal train, but can I get a flower train too? My wonderful neighbor brought over the most beautiful, bright bouquet of flowers when she heard about my diagnosis, and it did wonders to brighten my mood. This is going to be a depressing winter. I’ve never been a fan of winter anyway, and now I have to pile on covid and cancer. Just the sweetness of having something beautiful to look at in all the grey drab yuckiness of winter would be appreciated.
Marco Polo! Have you used this ap? It’s pretty great for staying in touch. It’s been a lifeline for me through covid, and I plan to use it a lot through treatment. You can send little video messages, and then I can respond when I have time and energy. I’d love an encouraging text or polo from you guys, but I’m going to let myself off the hook for responding right now. Cancer feels busy and overwhelming, and I haven’t even started treatment. I’m not going to let myself feel guilty if I don’t reply to everyone all the time, sorry. Know that your encouragement, help, and prayers are appreciated even if I don’t tell you directly.
Finally, childcare, meals, and visitors. Of course, I would love all of that support, and I know you would love to give it. But the reality of covid is that we’re going to be cheated out of doing this together. Just like we’ve been cheated out of so many other things since this pandemic hit. I wish I could have a cancer party and have some fun get togethers before treatment. I wish I could have dear friends drive me to chemo and sit with me during my infusions. I wish I could send my kids to your house so that they could have a fun day while I sleep off chemo yuck. I wish I could hug you all. But that’s not the world we live in right now. If you have any ideas for safe social distancing support I’d love to hear them. We’re going to keep figuring out what life is going to look like and how we can safely lean on the amazing people we have in our life.
I love this! Meal train, flower train, Marco Polo... and I love that you’ve already set boundaries. So important! ❤️ LH
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda, our family is praying for you and we will continue to pray! We will be happy to sign up to help out in any way we can. Yep, it sucks with covid and all the restrictions right now, but we will be here for you and Steve and the kids as much as we can.
ReplyDeleteThis is Grady’s mom, Kate. I am not currently working full time, and therefore can be available at most times. I am happy to come over and watch the kids if you feel okay with that. I would certainly mask up. I could also bring Grady and mask him up if it is okay to do that.