
Showing posts from October, 2021

Going under the knife

First day of School selfie! It’s been a long silence from me here. This has been a hard season of waiting for me. I’m a planner and I like to know what’s coming next. I’ve been waiting to see if the cancer comes back or not, and waiting to hear what treatment plan the doctors recommend. It feels a little like cancer purgatory. I’m sort of out of the woods because the chemo was so effective, and I’m starting to regain my energy because I’m not in active treatment anymore. But I also feel like I can’t move on with life because of the looming threat that the cancer will pop up again, and I was still waiting to see what further treatments my doctors recommended.  After, many doctors appointments this fall I have a plan! My scans have all been good. That’s three PET scans and one breast MRI with no detectable cancer. PRAISE THE LORD!! My doctors and I have decided to continue to treat the cancer aggressively. Cancer seems so trixy and hard to understand. There’s no guarantees for anyone...